Tuesday, 6 February 2007

The Comfort Zone

Yes, it's definitely one of those days when I feel the call of the comfort zone. You know what I mean - that moment when you stretch your wings a little (or maybe even a lot) and then there's this big urge to fold them back up and keep them tightly by your side.

After all, you've stretched them - no need to do anything else, is there? Well...

I suppose, if we're really brave, we can maybe just have a little lift-off - try taking off and landing back on the same spot. Taking off and heading for the next branch, well, naahh.. that's for other birds - the ones who know how to fly.

Mmmm, well, actually, we're not birds, but the metaphor is becoming increasingly relevant. Especially for me. I encourage people to live outside their comfort zone. Amazing how I can do that from the safety of my own comfortable place. Yet I do try to take off occasionally. And when I do and I start to wobble, I land safely back where I started.


Leaving your comfort zone isn't easy. The voice inside your head says in a psuedo-supportive way "well, no one can say you didn't try..." and you believe it!

I love the quote from the mythical Jedi Yoda "Do or do not, there is no try." or however it goes.

So, I need to decide - do I do or do I do not?

What woke me up to this was an email I received from an amazing lady called Peggy McColl. She was passing on some information about a book by Sandra Anne Taylor. One of the chapters of Sandra's book talks about being desperate to achieve something and how this can have a negative impact on the thing we are positively trying to achieve.

I'm getting there...so, this call of the comfort zone is linked to Sandra's Law of Paradoxical intent - pushing away something that I really want.

So, relax. Feel the feelings that are aroused as you step outside the comfort zone. Feel those wings stretch a little - how does it feel in your tummy? What's that voice in your head saying? Listen to your body - how is it reacting? I feel a nervous tingle across my skin.

Acknowledge it, accept it and most of all, recognise it for what it is - it's those wings, stretched out from your body screaming to be put away. BUT remember - birds fly - that's what the wings are for!

Find out more about Peggy at www.destinies.com and more information about Sandra's book can be found at www.hayhouse.com